Admin users have the ability to manage all other users in their company. This includes inviting new users, changing their privacy settings, and adding admin users. But it also includes blocking and deleting other users which we will explain in this article.

Blocking users means that they are unable to login to the innius platform on either the Insight, Admin Operations apps. Note this does not affect third-party environments connected with innius, such as Grafana dashboards. However, their profile remains, and they can have access restored to them at any time.

Deleting users means their profile is removed, and they have no access to the innius apps. Any comments or interactions will remain in the timelines. Deleted user can restored by an Admin user sending them an invitation.


How to block and unblock users

In the Admin app open the menu (1.) and click the People page (2.).

Blocking and Deleting_1.png


On the People page you can see all the users in your company, and their status, whether Pending, (an invite has been sent but yet to be confirmed), Active or Blocked. By clicking on the menu button but a particular user (3.), you can choose the option 'Deactivate person'.

Blocking and Deleting_2.png


This opens the Deactivate dialog, to confirm or cancel blocking this particular user (4.). Be sure to check the name displayed is the one you wish to block.

Blocking and Deleting_3.png


Returning to the People page, you will see that the status of the user has now changed to 'Blocked' (5.). The user will now no longer be able to login to any of the innius apps. Click the menu open to 'Activate person' if you wish to do so (6.).

Blocking and Deleting_4.png


How to delete users

Clicking the menu open for a specific user also shows the option 'Delete person' (7.).

Blocking and Deleting_5.png


This opens the following dialog. Be sure to check the name shown is the person you wish to delete, before proceeding.

Blocking and Deleting_6.png