Changing your password

Changing your password

This article explains the steps to reset your password.

Note: if you are unable to login to the Admin app, it may be because you are not an admin user. Not necessarily because you have forgotten your password. For more information on Admin users refer to the article 'Managing admin users'.

Your innius login credentials are the same for the Insight app and Operations app. And, for admin users that also applies to the Admin app. So, the following steps can be taken via the login page for any of the apps and apply to all the apps.


Firstly, go to the login page for one of the apps. If your existing login is suggested click (1.) 'Not your account?'

Then click on the button (2.) 'Don't remember your password?'

Submit your email address (3.) and you will be sent an email with a link to submit your new password.


Click the link in the email, and you need to fill in your new password twice (4.).

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