How do I share machines with other companies?

How do I share machines with other companies?

You can share a machine with another company once a trusted relationship has been established and they form a part of your network.

How to establish a trusted relation can be read in the article: How to set up trusted companies

Sharing a machine

When the trusted relationship has been established, you can share a machine with that company. Do this in the Admin app by selecting the machine from your machine overview and select the tile Share. Click the  dot_icon.pngicon (1) and click on the “Share” (2) button.




A Pop-up window will appear.



You can select the company with whom you want to share the machine. Upon clicking the "Share" button the machine will become visual for the other company.

Repeat this process to share a machine with multiple companies.


Managing shared machines

When you click on the tile "Share" you will get an overview of the companies with whom the machine is shared.




If you want to stop sharing the machine with a company, click the  dot_icon.pngicon (3) and click on the “ Stop share” (4) button.


Viewing shared machines

When a machine is shared with your company you can view the machine in the innius apps.

If you are an Admin user, you can view the machine in the Admin app:



By clicking on the button in the left right corner, you can select the company from which you want to view the machines.

You can then click through to the machine profile page, where everything can be configured as with your own machines. The only difference is that the panels for 'Demo data' (if it is a demo machine) and 'Share' are not displayed. This means that a company with whom a machine is shared, can not themselves share it with others.


In the Insight app:



By clicking on the tile with a company name, you get an overview of the machines shared with you. By clicking on the machine tile (5), you can view the machine data.

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