How do I work with tasks?
When a task is triggered manually in the Admin app or via a sensor
rule, you will be notified via the Insight app that a task has been
triggered, and there you can manage the assigned task.

When a new task arrives you will be notified by a "New task" (1)
event in the machine time line. By clicking on the task tile the task
detail page is shown where you can manage the task. Also the number of
"Tasks To Do" (2)
increases. When a task is created by a threshold rule and the
notification setting is on, the sent notification can be found at the
top of the page (3).

You can change the status of a tasks by clicking on the
icon in the Status changes tile. Select from the "Change status" (4)
menu the status in which you want to put the task. For example, when
you start with a task you change the status to "In Progress".
It is also possible to assign the task to another person in the team (5) or to change the start and/or end time (6).
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