With a manual sensor you can add manual data about your machine to innius.  For example, reasons why a machine has a standstill or (product) quality information. To create a new manual sensor for your machine, you first need to define it.

Do this in the Admin app by selecting the machine from your machine overview and select the tile Sensors. Click the dot_icon.pngicon (1) and click on the “Add sensor” (2) button.




You will be taken to the sensor definition page.




Now work from top to bottom, filling out the necessary fields as follows:

Sensor kind: Choose “Manual”

Sensor name: Give your sensor a unique name. Keeping the name as short as possible will help ensure it fits within the sensor name space in various parts of the application. 

Description: Describe in as few words as possible what this sensor is going to do. This will help ensure you don’t get confused between different sensors.

Sensor group: Assign a group to the sensor. This will allow all the sensors to be categorized when displayed in innius insight app. You can select a group or create a new one by entering the name of the group.

Sensor data type: Choose one of the following options (note that once a sensor has produced data, it is no longer possible the change the data type);

  • Continuous values, if the manual sensor creates measurement data
  • Discrete values, if the manual sensor creates values that are limited to predefined options, such as 0 and 1

If you want to create a manual sensor which you use to add reasons for a standstill, select the option 'Discrete values'. In this case the field "Value mapping" will appear.

Value mapping: Here you can add a description to each discreet value. This description is shown in the Insight App and the Operations app.

If you have selected the option Continuous values then you have to complete the following two other fields. (You select one of those when you want to manually add a value to innius.)

Value format: Here you can enter the unit of measure, such as Kg, € or ml.

Decimal places: The value created by the manual sensor will be displayed in the Insight App with the number of decimals defined here.

If you have finished, click “save” to save your manual sensor. 


Now you can enter manually data. Do this in the Operations app by selecting the machine from your machine overview. Then you can enter data for the manual sensors.




In the example that you want to add a reason for standstill, select the "standstill reason" tile and press the "Submit reason" (3) button.



Select the right reason from the list. The selected value will be sent to innius as the reason why the machine has a standstill.