This is the third step when setting up Grafana dashboards. The previous steps can be found here:
The first thing that is needed to do is to get the “simple grpc data source”. Click on the Connections button and select “Add new connection” (1).
Search for “simple grpc data source” (2), and click on the “simple grpc data source” tile (3)
On the next page, click on the button “Install via” (5)
At the bottom of the next screen click on the “Install plugin” button (6).
The data source will now be installed in your Grafana dashboard environment.
Return to the Grafana dashboard environment, go to Connections, and select “Data sources” (7). Click on the “Add new data source” button (8).
Search for “simple grpc data source” (9), and click on the “simple grpc data source” tile (10).
The data source can be configured as follows:
If everything has been completed successfully, a green check box with OK will appear (15) and you are ready to go to the next step and create your first dashboard!