To understand the basics of innius' downtime reason functionality, refer to the Knowledge Base article: An introduction to Downtime Reasons.

The innius Operations app is designed for touch screen tablet and laptop devices to be used by production line operators. It is here that downtime periods are presented to operators, so that they can submit reasons as to why the downtime occurred.


Note: Downtime periods are generated based on the definition configured in the Admin app, by admin users. The start and end times of downtime periods can not be edited, however the downtime periods can be split into separate periods.

Note: From the time downtime starts, downtime periods are available in the Operations app for 9 hours. All downtime periods remain available in the Downtime Management area of the Insight app. This is to prevent operators being overwhelmed with large numbers or downtime periods requiring responses, and also allows for shifts to be completed, at the end of which operators can assign reasons for all downtime which occurred during their shift.


The following steps can be taken in the innius Operations app to submit downtime reasons for downtime periods:

Open the app, and click a machine card to open it (1.).




By default the machine opens and shows the manual sensors for that machine. At the top of the screen you will see the tab buttons to switch from sensors to 'Submit Reasons' (2.)



The Submit Reasons reasons tab label also shows the number of downtime periods which need reasons to  be assigned (3.).

Below are filter buttons, which can either show the downtime periods which need to be given reasons or downtime periods which have had reasons given (4.).

The list of downtime periods (also referred to as standstill) are shown as separate cards, showing the start time, end time and duration. This includes a button to 'Submit reason' (5.).



Clicking the Submit Reason button (5.), opens the page for that specific downtime period. It shows the start time, end time and duration (6.).

To the right is the button to Split time (7.).

All the reasons available for this specific downtime period are shown as cards (8.). Click one to select it.

Note: If sensors based reasons have been set up, then the reasons can be different for different downtime periods.



Having clicked a reason for the downtime, this is selected (9.).

A description can then be added (10.), to provide further details on the reason for downtime.

Note: a description can either be optional or a requirement, depending on what the settings are in the Admin app.

Once finished, the Submit (11.) button can be clicked to complete the task.



Arriving back at the list of downtime periods, you can click on the 'Reason given' filter button (12.). This shows the list of reasons given, for the various downtime periods. To go back and edit a reason click the 'edit reason' button (13.).
