This article explains the script language. If you are looking for information about how to navigate around the script editor page, it is suggested you read Using the script editor and to take a look at the script examples and Essential knowledge for configuring scripts.
The calculation consists of references to the aliases of the sensors added in the sensor list in the left side of the screen, coupled with a reference to the time "[t]" (time is always related to the sensor frequency, so if you have an sensor with a frequency of 10 seconds, 't-3' means current time minus 30 seconds ago). and the equation, defined by the operators mentioned below.
Between two values
Operator |
Description |
Example 1 |
Example 2 |
+ | plus | 10.5 + 20 | S1[t] + S2[t] |
- | minus | 10.5 - 20 | S1[t] - S2[t] |
* | multiplication | 10.5 * 20 | S1[t] * S2[t] |
/ | division | 10.5 / 20 | S1[t] / S2[t] |
% | modulo | 10.5 % 20 | S1[t] % S2[t] |
^ |
power |
10.5^2 |
S1[t]^2 |
== | equals | 10.5 == 20 | S1[t] == S2[t] |
!= | not-equals | 10.5 != 20 | S1[t] != S2[t] |
> | greater-than | 10.5 > 20 | S1[t] > S2[t] |
>= | greater-or-equal | 10.5 >= 20 | S1[t] >= S2[t] |
< | less-than | 10.5 < 20 | S1[t] < S2[t] |
<= | less-than-or-equal | 10.5 <= 20 | S1[t] <= S2[t] |
&& | and | (10.5 <= 20) && (20 < 30) | ( S1[t] <= S2[t] ) && ( S1[t] > 0 ) |
|| | or | (10.5 <= 20) || (20 < 30) | ( S1[t] <= S2[t] ) || ( S1[t] > 0 ) |
For one value/expression
Operator |
Description |
Example 1 |
Example 2 |
sum |
the sum of all values |
sum(10.5) |
sum(S1[t-2,t]) |
avg |
the average of all values |
avg(10.5) |
avg(S1(t-2,t]) |
max |
the max of all values |
max(10.5) |
max(S1[t-2,t]) |
count |
the number of values |
count(10.5) |
count(S1[t-2,t]) |
sumif |
the sum of values that meet the condition |
sumif(10.5, 10.5 < 12) |
sumif(S1[t-2,t], S1[t-2,t] > 10) |
countif |
the count of values that meet the condition |
countif(10.5, 10.5 < 12) |
countif(S1[t-2,t], S1[t-2,t] > 10) |
tan |
the tangent of the value in degrees |
tan(10.5) |
tan(S1[t]) |
sin |
the sine of the value in degrees |
sin(10.5) |
sin(S1[t]) |
cos |
the cosine of the value in degrees |
cos(10.5) |
cos(S1[t]) |
atan |
the arctangent in degrees of the value |
atan(10.5) |
atan(S1[t]) |
asin |
the arcsine in degrees of the value |
asin(10.5) |
asin(S1[t]) |
acos |
the arccosine in degrees of the value |
acos(10.5) |
acos(S1[t]) |
abs |
the absolute of the value |
abs(10.5) |
abs(S1[t]) |
e^ |
power of e |
e^(10.5) |
e^(S1[t]) |
ln |
natural logarithm |
ln(10.5) |
ln(S1[t]) |
10^ |
power of 10 |
10^(10.5) |
10^(S1[t]) |
10log |
decimal logarithm |
10log(10.5) |
10log(S1[t]) |
round |
round to nearest integer |
round(10.5) |
round(S1[t]) |
floor |
round to nearest integer at of below below input |
floor(10.5) |
floor(S1[t]) |
ceiling |
round to nearest integer at or above input |
ceiling(10.5) |
ceiling(S1[t]) |
sqrt |
square root (√) |
sqrt(10.5) |
sqrt(S1[t]) |
Operator |
Description |
Example 1 |
Example 2 |
random |
random floating point value in given range |
random(10.5, 20) |
- |
lasttime |
unix timestamp (seconds) of last known occurrence of a value change to given value for given sensor
returns 0 if no matching value is found within a 2 week period |
- |
lasttime(S1, 10.5) |
lasttimebetween |
unix timestamp (seconds) of last known occurrence of a value change to value within given range for given sensor
returns 0 if no matching value is found within a 2 week period |
- |
lasttimebetween(S1, 10.5, 20) |
duration |
number of seconds the given value held uninterrupted at its last known occurrence
returns 0 if no matching value is found within a 2 week period returns a value between 0 and the true duration if the last occurrence of a change to the given value took place more than 2 weeks ago and the period when the value held uninterrupted ended less than 2 weeks ago |
- |
duration(S1, 10) |
now | returns the unix timestamp (seconds) of the script execution target time
the timestamp will always be equal to the timestamp any output values of this script execution are assigned to
this function takes no arguments | now() | now() |
Control Flow Statements
Statement |
Description |
Example |
if(…) { … } |
if statement, only execute code within ‘{' and ‘}’ when the code between ‘(’ and ')’ resolves to boolean |
if ( S1[t] < 0 ) |
if(…) { … } else { … } |
if-else statement, only execute code within first ‘{' and ‘}’ block when the code between ‘(' and ‘)’ resolves to boolean |
if ( S1[t] < 0 ) |
if (…) { … } else if (…) { … } … |
if-else-if statement, couple multiple
if statements in sequence; will not evaluate subsequent if conditions
when a former if condition evaluated to boolean |
if ( S1[t] < 0 ) |
Special operators
Operator |
Description |
Example |
// |
comment; any characters following the comment operator up to a new line are ignored |
if ( IN[t] == 0 ) { |
assignment; assign a numeric value to a sensor or a local variable
an assignment to a sensor requires the sensor alias to be formatted as described above and only accepts "[t]", e.g. assignments to aliases with "[t-1]", "[t-3]", or similar will not be accepted
local variable names can be defined according to the grammar outlined below and are instantiated at script execution and lost immediately after execution completion, i.e. local variables are not stored or otherwise persisted |
OUT[t] = 10
OUT[t] = IN[t-2]
myvar = 10
myvar = IN[t-2]
OUT[t] = myvar |
Grammar Rules
Statements and operators are case-sensitive.
Local variables are declared by assigning a value to the new variable, e.g.
myvar = 10
. -
Sensor aliases or local variable names:
must start with a letter
- can only contain letters (in either case), numbers, or "_" (underscore)
cannot collide with any reserved words (above), regardless of case
Whitespaces and new lines can be used at will.
Use parentheses to group operations and give precedence, e.g.
(2 + 10) * 10
For script examples, refer to the article: Script examples.