Company and users
User personalisation: language and time format
Both the language and time formats shown in the innius platform, can change for each user. Time format The format in which times and dates are shown is based upon your browser settings. This can't be changed within innius, only by changing your ...
How to register your company account
In order to register a company just go to Click on the "Start trial now"(1) button. A new window will appear with explanation regarding creating a company account on innius. Click on the button "Try innius now" (2). This ...
How to invite new users
In the Admin app you can give other people in your organisation access to innius by inviting them. Go to the "menu selector" (1), and select from the menu the option "People" (2). Now you get a list of existing users that can access innius. To invite ...
Blocking and Deleting users
Admin users have the ability to manage all other users in their company. This includes inviting new users, changing their privacy settings, and adding admin users. But it also includes blocking and deleting other users which we will explain in this ...
Managing admin users
Admin users are user which have been granted access to the Admin app. Non-admin users do not have access to the Admin app. By default the first innius user in a company is an admin user, and from then on new users are non-admin users. Other company ...