Analysis reports

Analysis reports

For each machine there is a selection of reports available. Those reports can be accessed by clicking on the Report (1) button.




A new page will be opened with 9 standard reports. You can asses a report by clicking on the Report tile (2). 



Each report can be viewed based on a given period (last day, last week, last month & custom period), and printed if necessary.


General note:

  • When calculating average values innius considers the time duration that a sensor has generated a particular value, not simply the number of instances a value has been generated.


The following reports are available:

1. Batch report

This report makes it possible to analyze machine data for all the batches during a period of time. The report presents a graph with a stacked bar per batch-number. With data from various machine sensors stacked within the bar.

The input for this report is generated by first establishing the relationship between the machine sensors and the relevant batch number sensor. This can be done in the advanced panel of the sensor configuration page in the Admin app. Activate the selector (3) if the sensor is a batch sensor and establish the relationship with other machine sensors by selecting them, by clicking on the dot_icon.pngicon (4). Here you can also select the value type for each sensor, either average, last or sum. Read more about this in the article in How to configure batches and recipes.




Once this has been done, you can plot the Batch Report by selecting a date-time range, and the view you wish to see (5).

If you have more than 1 Batch sensor, by default all will be shown in the report. But you can also choose to select 1 at a time in the Batch Sensor selector field.

There are three different views, which show the same data but grouped differently. 'Per batch & recipe' shows the batch values on the X-axis, and per batch a stacked bar with data from the sensors which have been linked to the batch sensor, 'Grouped per batch' and 'Grouped per recipe' show a bar graph per sensor which groups the data for all the instances of that batch or recipe during the selected date-time range.


Note that if you adjust the settings, you will need to plot the data again.

Batch Report Mar 2024_v4.png

An example use case for this, is to measure the duration of each process step, and relate this (filter) to a batch, so you can exactly analyse in which batches (5.1) deviations occur for the different process steps. This enables you to find the bottlenecks in your production process. If you are working with recipes, you can select (filter) for which recipe (5.1) you want to do the analysis.


The data table can be exported to Excel (5.2)


2. Batch Details Report

With the Batch Details report it is possible to analyze each batch in greater detail than the Batch report. It is also possible to filter the data based on recipe. For each batch you can select the applicable sensors to give you the right insights. For example, it could be used to see the duration of each production step taken to produce the batch, and therefore becomes immediately clear which step has taken most production time.

The input for this report, is the same as that used for the Batch Report. First a relationship needs to be established between the machine sensors and the relevant batch number sensor. 




3. Downtime report

The Downtime report allows you to analyze machine downtime in more details, to learn what causes it in order to take preventative action to avoid this reoccurring. It can also be used to analyze shift performance, by having insight into whether downtime was due to materials, machines or personnel. And it could be used to analyze the machine to see whether further investment in machinery is prudent.

Learn more about Downtime, configuration and assigning reasons.

In the report settings the Downtime sensor(s) need to be selected. The sensors available are those which have been configured in the Admin app as Downtime status sensors. It is possible to select more than one sensor (5.3).

The settings also allow you to show or not show short stops (5.4), if these have been defined in the Admin app, downtime reason settings.

The data is shown in two views: as Pareto diagrams (5.5), and also Grouped per shift (5.8).

The Pareto views shows the data in bars, per downtime reason. The data can be filtered based on the reasons, using the filter menu (5.6).

At the bottom there is a table with full details of the reasons for the downtime and option to download this to Microsoft Excel (5.7).

Downtime Report_20240614_a.png


The Group by shift view (5.8) shows bars for the total hours for each downtime reason and the number of occurrences for each. There are 2 filters available for this view (5.9), to choose which shifts to display and also whether you want to see hours, number of occurrences or both. For this to work, shifts need to be defined in the Admin app.


Downtime Report_20240614_b.png





4. Logistics data report

The Logistics data report combines and visualises production order data from an external system like ERP or MES with the associated machine data. This provides powerful insights like production efficiency, material costs, energy usage, quality and wastage per production order. To connect the external production data within innius, you need to setup the 'work center' property on the machine, see the article about properties.

In the report you select the production (6) order from the external system and maximal 10 sensors (7) which are applicable to give you the right insights.




After clicking the button 'Plot', the report will be displayed. Based on the sensor data type the graph type will be different. The discrete data will be displayed in a pie chart, parallel bar chart or stacked bar chart (can be chosen by yourself), and the other sensor data types will be displayed as line graph.


5. OEE Report

The OEE report gives an overview of the Total OEE for the selected period, OEE values per shift and an overview of the changes compared to the previous period.
For the graph you can easily disable/enable the different lines by clicking on the value in the legend below the graph.




6. OEE Drilldown report

The OEE Drilldown report presents the OEE data for the selected period in a graph based on the well known textbook OEE diagram. It allows a drilldown into the OEE calculation data, and in particular to identify the different reasons for loss and how these compare.

The Available time (100%) is based on the machine's on-time during the selected time period.


7. Benchmarking report

Benchmarking is a helicopter view above machine level to compare machines. With this report it is possible to analyze and compare up to 5 other machines with the selected machine. This method of analyzing machines has value for both machine manufacturers and machine users:

  • For machine manufacturers to analyze and compare their machines, based on machine type or model.
  • For machine users to analyze and compare their machines, based on different production lines.

The benchmark report also allows the visualization of OEE data from different machines, allowing them to be analyzed and compared.



8. Quality report

With the Quality report you are able to analyze the rejections per batch, set against the the total production for the selected period.
For the input you can use multiple quality/rejection sensors (9) (with a maximum of 10 quality/rejection sensors), a sensor which indicates the batch/recipe/product (8), and the total production count sensor (10).

When you've selected the right input sensors, the report will display 3 different parts:

  • The first part will show the rejection percentage for the total production per batch/recipe/product and the number of hours it has been produced.
  • The second part will show the rejections per reject reason per batch/recipe/product.
  • The third part is a table showing quality defects per batch for the previous vs the actual period. This can also be downloaded as a Microsoft Excel file.




9. Sensor Comparison report

With the Sensor comparison report you can easily compare data from different sensors. To see, for example, the energy consumption per batch or machine status. You can add one base sensor such as the recipe, and then add other sensors with which to make a comparison. You can compare a sensor with a maximum of 10 other sensors.




10.  Location history report

 The location history report gives insight in where and when the machine has been. This includes a table which can be downloaded as a Microsoft Excel file.



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