A task is generated from a template, a task template. A task template can be created in the Admin App, by clicking on "Add task template"(1). This button will become available by clicking on the dot_icon.pngicon in the Task tile.



When the "Add task template" (1) button is clicked, the task template can be created.




For a task template the following information can be defined:

  1. Title of the task; this will show up list of tasks for individual users and on a machine, so keep it as clear and as short as possible.
  2. Task Type; can be used to indicate & group the type of tasks.
  3. Description; give a full description of the task.
  4. Default assignee; to who the task should be assigned by default. The task can always be re-assigned to another person when needed.
  5. Select the watchers; this can be done by selecting the people who need to be notified.
  6. Default duration; The amount of time approximately needed to perform the task.

Tasks are usually set up to be triggered as the result of a sensor rule being crossed, and so it also possible to create task templates when adding rules as part of the sensor configuration in the Admin app.

Tasks can also be triggered manually, this article explains more: 'How do I trigger a task manually?'

You can also refer to the article 'How do I work with tasks?'